Foca Monaca Nuragica

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Foca Monaca Nuragica

Mediterranean Monk Seal (Monachus monachus) ÿ una specie minacciata di estinzione, di cui sopravvivono in natura meno di 500 esemplari. C'è ancora la foca monaca in Sardegna? Gli sporadici avvistamenti fanno sperare che quando l'isola sarà dotata di aree protette marine questo innocuo e magnifico animale, perseguitato barbaramente per decenni, possa tornare definitivamente. La foca monaca è tornata in Sardegna! E' proprio il caso di stappare una bottiglia di champagne. Almeno quattro foche monache, fra cui un cucciolo, vivono nell'area protetta di Capo Carbonara, in Sardegna, nella zona di Villasimius. La notizia è stata pubblicata ieri da Il Sardegna, ma nessuno se l'è filata, anche se l'ultimo avvistamento di una foca in Sardegna, sempre nella zona di Villasimius, era del 2000: e perdipiù un individuo erratico, non un piccolo branco. La notizia è stata ripresa solo da Ansa Ambiente e di nuovo da "Il Sardegna" di oggi. Ma consentitemi di fare la punta alla matita: povere foche, finchè giornalisti e assessori, come nell'articolo che ho appena citato, le inseriranno a viva forza nell'ordine dei Cetacei. Classificazione scientifica Regno: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Classe: Mammalia Ordine: Carnivora Superfamiglia: Pinnipedia Famiglia: Phocidae Sottofamiglia: Monachinae Genere: Monachus Specie: M. monachus (Hermann, 1779) In ancient Greece, monk seals were placed under the protection of Poseidon and Apollo because they showed a great love for sea and sun. One of the first coins, minted around 500 BC, depicted the head of a monk seal, and the creatures were immortalized in the writings of Homer, Plutarch and Aristotle. To fishermen and seafarers, catching sight of the animals frolicking in the waves or loafing on the beaches was considered to be an omen of good fortune. Historically, humans hunted seals for the basic necessities of their own survival - fur, oil, meat, medicines - but did not kill them in large enough numbers to endanger their existence as a species. Because of their trusting nature they were easy prey for hunters and fishers using clubs, spears and nets. The pelts were used to make tents and were said to give protection against Nature's more hostile elements, especially lightning. The skins were also made into shoes and clothing, and the fat used for oil lamps and tallow candles. Because the animal was known to sleep so soundly, the right flipper of a seal, placed under the pillow, was thought to cure insomnia. Evidence suggests that the species was severely depleted during the Roman era. Following the fall of the empire, a reduction in demand may have allowed the monk seal to stage a temporary recovery, but not to earlier population levels. Commercial exploitation peaked again in certain areas during the Middle Ages, effectively wiping out the largest surviving colonies. Increasingly, survivors no longer congregated on open beaches and headlong rocks, but sought refuge along inaccessible cliff-bound coasts and in caves (often with underwater entrances). The massive disruption of two world wars, the industrial revolution, a boom in tourism and the onset of factory fishing all contributed to the Mediterranean monk seal's decline  William M Johnson

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