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L'AMORE AI TEMPI DEGLI ZOO > Lei si chiama Bella. Lui Malino. Hanno vissuto insieme per lungo tempo al Durrell Wildlife Park, uno zoo in #Inghilterra, fino a quando è stato deciso di separare Malino per introdurre nel branco un nuovo maschio dominante.

Ma Bella non ha resistito alla voglia di vederlo e così tempo fa ha guidato una fuga del branco per andare a cercarlo.

Per frenare ulteriori fughe è stata costruita una rete elettrificata. Ma Bella ha saputo mandarla in corto circuito utilizzando dell'erba bagnata.
Poi è stata aggiunta una seconda rete elettrificata. Ma Bella le ha superate entrambe di nuovo con grande abilità e intelligenza.

Adesso di questa struggente storia parlano tutti i media inglesi. Ma i responsabili dello #zoo invece di premiare Bella e Malino stanno pensando di separare lei dal gruppo, isolandola in uno spazio da cui non possa fuggire. Una punizione.

D'altronde non c'è spazio per la poesia o per l'empatia in un luogo come lo zoo, in cui gli animali sono solo oggetti da esporre.
L'unico spazio per la poesia è nella libertà.

A love-sick monkey desperate to flee her enclosure to be with her mate has learned how to short circuit an electric fence - with a wet blade of GRASS.

Bella, a Sulawesi crested black macaque, was left distraught after zookeepers removed dominant male Malino from her pen.

She and a group of female pals managed to clamber out and search for him, prompting staff at Jersey's Durrell Wildlife Park to erect an electric fence.

But lovestruck Bella refuse to give up and soon devised a way to short the power by prodding the charged wire with wet foliage.

Keepers rigged up a second layer of fencing but crafty Bella simply adapted her trick by balancing a blade of grass across the two.

The pink-bottomed lonely ladies have now been moved to a temporary new home but it is hoped they will forget Malino once his replacement, Kato, arrives in two weeks.

Durrell spokesman Rick Jones said: "These monkeys are extremely intelligent and Bella had learned this either by trial and error or by watching another monkey do it.

"The issue with these monkeys comes down to 'backing up' of males in a population.

"When there are females in the troupe they are always led by a dominant male. In the wild when a young male reaches a certain age, he will either challenge to take over a group or move on.

"In captivity, they can't move on, so we had to make a second enclosure and split our group when a certain male comes of age.

"This is a temporary measure while we find a suitable new home in another reputable wildlife park for one of them."

Rick explained that a decision was made to move Malino to another wildlife park in order to preserve the genetic purity of the monkeys as he has already fathered several members of the troupe.

Sulawesi crested black macaques are the most endangered of the seven macaque species that live on the island of Sulawesi in Indonesia.

The main threat to their survival is over-hunting for food as they are served up as a delicacy on special occasions such as weddings.

Staff are currently waiting for the paperwork to be sorted out to enable another wildlife park to accept Malino, who has been at Durrell for several years.

Mr Jones added: "We do not want to have to lock Bella into an outside area on her own.

"Within the next two weeks we will be moving this group to a new area, which has a gym, and she should settle in and adapt to the new dominant male Kato."

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